
Noise is in the top three annoyances to hotel guests. That is perhaps not so strange when you consider that there were until recently no guidelines for noise in hotels.

The Knowledge Center of Noise (KGI) has changed this and released an internationally applicable Quiet Room Manual. If a hotel meets the guidelines, it qualifies for one of three classifications, depending on the demands on the basis of which has been tested. Concrete results in award of the Quiet Room label, with a certificate and a sign for the facade.

The KGI is a network of specialists in the field of acoustics and soundproofing. With an extensive knowledge bank checks as a starting point and certifies KGI hotels to the Quiet Room Label.

FAAY Vianen also part of this network, along with other specialists from the building. It has been found that stands or falls with an effective sound insulation the total picture. Just replace the glass or some extra plaster plates for the wall is insufficient. The audit is therefore assessed on four elements: air sound, sound, sound installation and reverb sound.

By this all to address the sound issue is tackled effectively. It has now been proven: large luxury hotel chains like Hilton, NH Hotel Group, Golden Tulip, Amr膩th and Marriott are satisfied clients and users of the Quiet Room Label. Faay Walls and Ceilings is, as a partner of Quiet Room, proud that our sound-insulating (cross) wall and ceiling solutions contribute to the (sleep) comfort of guests worldwide.